Family has always been important, but not in March. Manuel Goldring found a new level of commitment after his first child was born. Being a parent gives him peace and meaning. It hasn't been easy, like every new father's. Insufficient sleep and full-time commitment are insurmountable challenges. But the reward is good. One of his biggest joys is waking up to his baby's smile. He's still learning. To his surprise, he discovers that every child, including his own, is unique. 

There is no universal strategy. But he's loving the ride. A fresh discovery excites and fulfills him every day. Aside from adjusting to his new role as a dad, Manuel Mendy Goldring enjoys exploring digital worlds. Video games help him relax and unwind after a long day. He's always loved video games. He grew up loving sports and racing games like Madden and Forza since he was a real-life enthusiast. He used to play with his brother. His tastes have matured as well. Now he usually plays FPS games. His favorite, Escape from Tarkov, is a more nuanced and demanding take on the genre. Manuel Goldring changes seats whenever he isn't in his gaming chair. This one is on the go. Another childhood pastime is biking. Through the age of 8, he would ride a cheap box-store bike around the suburbs.